C.G. Jung's classic, "Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle", defines synchronicity as "a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved." Joseph Jaworski calls these coincidences "predictable miracles."
I believe synchronicity to be one of the organizing principles of the Universe- the framework of chaos theory. I also live my life expecting synchronicity to happen and more importantly, using these subtle messages from the Source as a life compass. Life is so much easier when we go with the flow and move with the Universal current. Rather than being amazed when synchronicity happens, one should worry when these predictable miracles are not happening. The absence of synchronicity lets us know we have strayed too far from the optimal path.
So recently I had planned a beautiful trip to VA to Satchidananda Ashram to live and teach for two weeks at the ashram's fall 200 hour teacher training. My first Yoga teacher training 9 years ago was with this ashram in Mexico so I am so happy to be at a point in my life where I can be of service to this institution. As soon as I firmed up my dates for teaching, 3 unexpected events popped up for me here in Jax. Most of the time I am very much in control of my schedule, but these three events were out of my control. Years ago, I would have struggled against Universal rhythms, but now this is just how I live my life. I contacted the ashram and apologized for the extra work they would have to do to change my schedule and arranged to teach the final two weeks of the program rather than the first two weeks. The Yogis at the ashram could not have been nicer about the last minute change- it seems as though finding peace with change is part of maturing process of the soul. "I dwell in Possibility..." Emily Dickinson said.
So, one of the unexpected events was the opportunity to teach a private Yoga class to musical artist, peace activist and humanitarian Michael Franti! I am a fan of his music and his life choices. Sometimes activists can be quite angry, but I was very pleasantly surprised by Michael's gentle, kind demeanor. He is a dedicated daily practitioner of Yoga which is an amazing feat considering his busy schedule and I feel so grateful that our paths crossed if only briefly. Michael Franti is a warrior who shows up and speaks up. There will be a public showing of his documentary "I know I am not Alone" this Wednesday night at 7:30 at MOCA downtown.
Event #2 will be this weekend in Atlanta as I travel to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama! Saturday at Emory University, the D.L. and others scholars will participate in an all day symposium on the effects of meditation in healing depression, one of the D.L.'s pet projects. And Sunday will be private teachings to the Buddhist community. I am not a Buddhist, but I do have some monk contacts. :)
Event #3 will be the grand opening of the Lululemon Yoga apparel store in St. John's Town Center on Saturday, October 27. I am an ambassador for this globally conscious company and Bliss Yoga will be doing a Yoga demonstration there from 12:30 to 1:30.
All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess, to pick it up.
The Nagual Carlos Castaneda
Hello Shri,
Thanks for the posting on October 15. That was my birthday and it was great to receive a profound message from you. You and Stan surface in my dreams from time to time, especially when I travel as a tennis official. I feel like those occurrences are part of a certain synchronicity as well. I'm back home and look forward to seeing you both when you return to Jacksonville. Namaste
Hey Shri,
What a treat reading your post about Synchronicity and Michael Franti. The biggest treat was reading about Yogaville and Satchidananda Ashram. I grew up in that community from the age of 2 or so. Satchidananda was my teacher, and I carry that work with me every day. I am 34 now. I have to admit that one of my early memories was living at Yogaville for a summer. My brothers and I found some helium balloons at the newly dedicated temple. We sucked on them to make our voices high-pitched...and I got so high I fainted and fell in a puddle! So that was my early spiritual life...hahaha. I think Gurudev would have laughed.
You would love my website on synchronicity. Since you understand it so well already, I think you'll appreciate the scientific model for it that I present.
Peace and blessings, keep following the synchronicity,
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