The troll comes to me courtesy of Anna, Sharon Timpke's daughter. She gave specific instructions that we need to take good care of the troll so here is the troll enjoying our amazing, but crazy, winter weather. His skin is naturally dark so no need for sunscreen and his lack of genitalia discount the need for any cover up.
We began a new Tantric practice in the studio a week ago. It is the Dark Man of Sin Practice, affectionately nicknamed the Troll Practice. I am following the example of many great Yoga teachers who never completely put a practice out in written form. There is always something vital missing from the written instruction so that a teacher is needed to learn the actual practice.
Our work with the Dark Man of Sin is to expose that which is beneath the surface of the conscious mind to the level of conscious thought. We choose a negative habit or non positive aspect or quality of our personality that we wish to eliminate. Briefly, think about the pain this habit or quality has caused you and the problems it has created in your life. Whatever we are aware of on the conscious level of thought is merely the tip of the iceberg- know that the root of the problem lies deep in the subconscious.
Transform the habit or quality into an entity or dark man of sin or troll or gremlin, whatever you want to call it and let the troll embody the habit or aspect- if the habit is smoking then the troll is smoking, if the habit is gossiping then maybe see dark smoke coming from his mouth, if the quality is fear, then see the troll as very frightened, etc. In the mind's eye, place an image of the troll in the left side of your abdomen- a part of the body used for elimination.
In the practice, the troll will be systematically exposed to the elements, the tattvas, in order to destroy it.
Two main aspects of practice in Tantra are mantra and kriya. This practice is a kriya, a technique for purification. We will work with this very effective practice for 40 days. Please keep the same habit or quality for the duration of the practice, although it may change a bit as we progress- what in the beginning might be scarcity mentality might turn our to be fear or lack of faith. It is best to keep what you have chosen to release private- this is sacred work between you and the Divine. If you have a home meditation practice, the kriya meditations work best as a preliminary or supplemental meditation.
The journey to the self is not a group experience. It's solitary work.
Bery Bender Birch